工作的世界是广阔的,多样的,充满了令人兴奋的可能性. 正因为如此,之间的界线 major and career is rarely straight. Below are resources to help you explore careers and majors including career assessments that ask questions to uncover your interests and strengths; data that dives deeper into industries, regions, and educational considerations; and other strategies for exploring your career interests and professional values.
- 与职业顾问会面 讨论你的兴趣, 探索各种可能性,制定一个行动计划,去追求一个合适的专业或职业.
- 探索你的个性、兴趣和价值观 career assessment such as Focus 2 or Sokanu Career Explorer.
- 研究职业选择 以及浏览的可能性 Career Finder.
- Conduct an 菠菜app有哪些 或者通过工作见习来更多地了解你正在考虑的职业领域.
- 测试一下你的兴趣 从实践经验中学习 活动包括 本科研究, service-learning, 实习、兼职, 俱乐部和组织, volunteering and 领导活动.
难以选择专业的, 思考你想用你的专业做什么, 或者探索职业选择? 参加每年春季和秋季学期开设的职业和专业探索课程. 在I大学的课程表上查找INTR 201-01.
Questions? Email us at careerservices@thychic.com 或致电208-885-6121.